Evanston Mayor Daniel Biss responded a few minutes ago on his Facebook page to the not-guilty-on-all-counts verdict of Kyle Rittenhouse.
Here's what he wrote:
"In August of 2020, as our nation reeled after the shooting of Jacob Blake, Evanstonians were anguished on behalf of the whole Blake family with its deep roots in our community.
Today, the nation reels again at the not guilty verdicts in Kenosha.
Once again, we see that our nation's justice system, far from being truly blind, can act differently in situations it's supposed to treat as indistinguishable -- depending on political circumstances, signals from authority, and, especially, race.
Sometimes in moments like these, I'm tempted to throw up my hands in despair, but I know that's not the right path. The troubling but long-standing reality of our system requires that all of us stand up and demand justice. It is only by coming together and insistently, peacefully fighting for progress that we can build the system our society deserves."
Here are reactions from just some of DE followers who commented:
"Horrified, but sadly I think it's what we were all expecting after watching this sham of a trial." -- Rachel Selander Woodrick
"White priviledge!" -- Alicia Nichole
"Not Shocked I Knew He Was Going To Get Off Cause That's The System and The World We Live In" -- Mary Sanders
"Disgust, rage, fury, shock…I cannot cannot cannot believe it. But maybe I should believe it because there’s so much hate out there but I cannot. What do we do?!" -- Lauren Grossman
"Travesty!" -- Jim Heard
"Not right." -- Joyce BLove Hill
"Sickening." -- Pastor Karl Adair
"The system wasn't built to protect certain groups. It was expected. No surprise here." -- Sheena Benson
"We aren’t surprised. America’s been shooting us for sport since it’s beginnings. This was a message for you wh ite folks: see what happens to you when you cast your lot with Blacks; we treat you just like them." -- Lita Wilburn
"We are broken." -- Jennifer Novar Polakoff
"Sad. Scared it will give others courage to do the same things he did." -- Alejandra Lule-Rivera
"No surprise. White privilege got another boost to say and DO what they please." -- Eva Coley
"Predictable. Example of White privilege and White supremacy."
-- Colette Allen