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Evanston Church's BLM sign vandalized for a third time.

Writer's picture: Nina KavinNina Kavin

Yesterday, once again, the Black Lives Matter sign at Northminster Presbyterian Church of Evanston, 2515 Central Park Ave., was vandalized.

Several Evanston residents wrote in to let me know about this most recent act of hate, so I reached out to Northminster's Senior Pastor Michael Kirby.

"We're currently discussing options of ways we will continue to use our banners to communicate to the community how our faith compels us to be unequivocal in our solidarity with those seeking racial justice and equity, while also dissuading the vandal from continued destruction of our property," he said.

"We appreciate all of the support we have received, but believe our focus must be on the work of racial justice and the pain these actions cause our fellow children of God of color, not on the vandal's targeting of Northminster."

Just two weeks ago, clergy members in Evanston wrote and signed "Black Lives Matter: a Communal Statement," after the church's sign was vandalized.

"As Evanston communities of faith, we affirm the inherent dignity and worth of all people as created and beloved children of God," the statement began.

"Racism, anti-blackness, and their violent and discriminatory manifestations in our society have been well documented since before the United States became a nation. Although the form and substance of this racism has changed over time, it is clear that our society still does not accord equal worth to each person. This is unacceptable and must change."

You can read the entire statement here.

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