WHAT: Our next Dear Evanston Racial Justice Book Group will read and discuss
Begin Again: James Baldwin's America and its Urgent Lessons for our Own by
Eddie S. Glaude.
WHEN: 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Tuesday, February 23.
WHERE: Zoom (we'll send the link to registered folks closer to the date).
REGISTER: Click here.
GET A BOOK: Reserve your copy at the Evanston Public Library by calling 847-448-8621 or online, OR
Purchase a book at Bookends & Beginnings for curb-side pick-up at or have it mailed to you.
Use the code DEAR15 at checkout for a 15% discount.
All participants must live, learn, work, or worship in Evanston.
Here's a link to the NY Times review of the book.
Here's one from the Washington Post; and
Here's an NPR interview with Glaude.
Hope to see you on February 23!
Thanks to librarians Lesley Williams and Shelley Barnow Sutherland for organizing the book group!
Mark your calendar for Tuesday, April 27 when we'll read and discuss Isabel Wilkerson's Caste.