Join Our Village The Black Evanstonian at 7 p.m. on Friday, March 19 for a virtual event to discuss (if you're a Black Evanstonian) or learn (if you're white or non-Black) what is of concern to members of Evanston's Black community.
Our Village The Black Evanstonian was co-founded in 2016 by two legacy Evanstonians, Lonnie Wilson who is a fourth-generation Evanston resident and Ndona Nyomo Muboyayi who is a fifth-generation resident.
Our Village the Black Evanstonian is a grassroots organization that addresses issues that affect the diverse Black community.
They provide meals, financial support, referrals for mental and physical health, substance abuse and trauma, and training/education, and advocate for the Black community at city and board levels.
Click here to register.