This heinous poster was found in downtown Evanston on Sunday afternoon following the Evanston Fight for Black Lives/NU Community not Cops march to honor the lives of Duante Wright, Adam Toledo, and other Black and brown people who continue to be victims of police violence.
The folks at EFBL shared it on their page, and asked, "How are people of color supposed to feel safe when things like this are hung up in our city?"
In addition to the absolutely terrifying message about Kyle Rittenhouse, the top-right corner says "International Conservative Community" which appears to be a global white supremacist network founded by a Neo-Nazi (read this for background).
I asked Mayor-elect Daniel Biss if he had a message for Evanston as he prepares to step into office next month, during these ongoing tumultuous times.
"Let this be a reminder that nowhere, including Evanston, is immune -- neither from the threat of vigilante violence nor from the white supremacist ideology that spawns it. We must join hands with and support people of color and identify and root out these threats and this form of thinking wherever we find them," he said.
"Thank you to Evanston Fight for Black Lives for making our community aware of this outrage, and thank you especially for standing up and fighting for justice, even while expecting this kind of repugnant backlash. We stand with you."
Note: on behalf of, and with the permission of EFBL, DE reported the sticker to Anti-Defamation League and Southern Poverty Law Center so they can track the incident.