Today, YoFresh Yogurt Cafe Evanston will donate 20 percent of its sales to the PEP - PTA Equity Project. YoFresh is located at 635 Chicago Ave. in Southpoint Plaza. Owners extraordinaire, Larry and Jean Murphy, open the cafe at 12:30 p.m. and it closes at 8 p.m.
What's the PTA Equity Project (PEP)?
The PTA Equity Project ensures that students across D65 have access to PTA resources through the PEP Fund, which equitably distributes PTA funds across the district so that all students can receive enrichment and community-building opportunities that PTAs provide, regardless of the school they attend.
When I learned about PEP right as it was starting three years, I was stunned to learn (yeah, I was naive) that PTA funds were NOT distributed across schools according to need, but instead school-by-school, leaving some schools with all sorts of additional enrichments for their kids and others with very, very little, just based on the neighborhood and income of its students' families. Read my interview with Liz Rolewicz who was there from the start. I'll be posting a longer, updated piece about the PEP project soon!
This is a cause well worth supporting and the Murphy's business is too!
Stay tuned: I'll be interviewing the Murphy's later today about their shop and their lives.